My Journey With Data Science

Hi! My name is Isiah Pettigrew, and in this site I will be discussing my experience becoming a Data Scientist at the University of Illinois!

My Path to Data Science: A Personal Perspective

My path with Data Science begins with my undergraduate admission into the School of Information Sciences. The pathway of Data Science was not always an ambition of mine when I entered the School of Information Sciences. However, as I did research and took a few introductory classes, I knew the path of Data Analytics is right for me. I have spent a considerable amount of time working with large data sets in my coursework, and it has helped me get an idea of what being a Data Scientist is. The term "Data Scientist" confused me initially due to my lens of the tech-driven world. Before the iSchool, (School of Information Sciences), I saw "Data Scientists" as researches who are solely writing complex algorithms and building amazing machine learning models. However, my journey within the iSchool has gradually taught me that a Data Scientist can wear many hats.

Champaign, IL

A Great City When It Is Not Cold!

The iSchool offers a plethora of resources that have assisted individuals such as myself find their footing in choosing a Data Science driven pathway. While pursuing this pathway it is still difficult to navigate what type of data I want to research post graduate as an occupational study.

Exploring the Data Science Landscape: From Classroom to Real-World Challenges

As I have stated above, it is very hard navigating what type of data I want to pursue as a career. Nevertheless the course-work I have undertaken has given me invaluable experience and insights into a vast domain of data. My educational journey has exposed me to a range of data related fields, that are from data analytics and machine learning to data engineering and data visualization. Each course has offered a unique perspective that has provided me a special vantage point, and expanding my horizons and enriching my skill set. I am confident that when I choose my desired field of occupational study for the job economy that I will be ready to take on any challenges.

Translating Knowledge into Action

While I have primarily focused on tangible skills as a Data Scientist, I've also dedicated time on enhancing my collaborative skills. Over the past summer, and continuing today, I have take the role as an Advisor within the iSchool, where I help transfer students and freshmen alike to get acclimated with the iSchool. As an Advisor we also help them pick their classes based on what they want to pursue in the School of Information Sciences. This summer has helped me be more open minded to other studies such as Game Design, User Experience Design, User Interface Design, Government Library Archive and Museum Studies (GLAM), Cyber Security, and many other possible pathways. The exposure to these different paths reinforced how vital interdisciplinary knowledge is. In the midst of focusing on my path, I realized the significance of making meaningful connections with my peers. Creating a strong network of intellectual individuals is a great way that I have helped formed an RSO (Registered Student Organization), called "Illini Coglab". Within Illini Coglab we are a group that is studying how Data Science can help with Cognitive Studies.